SLOVENIA | |||||
Chainbreakers | |||||
1 |
* / ○ / Δ,Chainbreakers. Accumulation in an album with fragments and varieties of perforation and print. Few interesting items, inspection recommended.
120.00 R160.00 |
2 |
*/**,Chainbreakers. Smaller collection on album page, complete in basic numbers, additionaly a bit speciaited, generally good quality (8 Din Postage Due, Zig-Zag rouletted is creased).
75.00 R90.00 |
Lithographed |
3 |
**/*,Litographed Issue. Specialized collection of mint stamps (ca 950 items) on home made album pages. Partly specialized by paper types, colour shades (no expensive shades), some perforation varieties, 'sun rays'… Inspection recommended.
150.00 R240.00 |
4 |
*,7 Ci,Litographed Issue. Value of 30 vin. on porous , horizontally ribbed paper, "Salmon" shade stamp from upper margin, few brown stains in gum. A rare stamp !, signed Petric.
150.00 R190.00 |
5 |
○,5 Bj,Litographed Issue. Value of 20 vin. on white smooth paper, yellow-brown "Mariborska", cancelled by clear Maribor cancellation (June 1919), perf. edges at right cut with scissors, rare stamp in good quality, Certificate Tubinović.
150.00 R180.00 |
6 |
Δ,8 Bg,Litographed Issue. Value of 40 vin. on white smooth paper, brown-olive-yellow shade on piece with clear cancellation "Donja Lastva, * a * , 11.XI.19", few brown stains, Certificate Petric.
40.00 R |
Typographed |
7 |
*/**,Typographed Issue. Specialized collection of mint stamps (ca 950 items) on home made album pages. Partly specialized by paper types, colour shades (no expensive shades), some perforation varieties (including imperforates), 'sun rays'… Inspection recommended.
160.00 R230.00 |
Tabs |
8 |
**,19/15 B,Value of 1 K. on white smooth paper, with partial tab of lower part of 30 vin. value at left, HFS 66, MNH, superb quality, Certificate Petric.
120.00 R |
9 |
*,10/11 H U,Value of 5 vin. on soft porous paper, imperforate, with tab at bottom, showing almost complete 10 vin. stamp, very good quality, Certificate Petric.
70.00 R |
10 |
*,24/6, Value of 10 vin. rouletted, with tab at right, showing the lower part of 20 vin. stamp, HFS 34, mint, hinged, very good quality, Certificate Petric.
60.00 R |
11 |
**,11/12 B,Value of 10 vin. on white smooth paper, lower stamp with tab at bottom, showing upper part of 15 vin. Value, HFS 32, MNH, superb quality. Certificate Petric.
50.00 R |
12 |
**,10/13 B,Value of 5 vin. on white smooth paper, with partial tab above, showing lower part of 20 vin. value, MNH, superb quality. Certificate Petric, the stamp is not signed !
50.00 R |
13 |
*,14/16 H,Value of 25 vin. on soft porous paper, with partial tab at bottom, showing upper part of 40 vin. value, HFS 50, mint, hinged, good quality. Certificate Petric.
40.00 R |
14 |
*,27/25,Value of 30 vin. rouletted, with partial tab of upper part of 15 vin. value, at bottom, HFS 57, minimal brown stain, Certificate Petric (without signature), signed Veličković.
40.00 R55.00 |
15 |
*,10/11 B,Value of 5 vin. on white smooth paper, with partial tab at bottom, showing upper part of 10 vin. value, mint, hinged, good quality. Certificate Petric.
30.00 R |
Dinar Issue |
16 |
,35, 38, 43 (4),Parcel card, franked with 4,30 Din (17,20 K.), sent from Naklo (15.I.21) to Glina (921 JAN 20) using also vertically bisected 10 para value. One of the Dinar values features constant flaw "1 A". This parcel card (part of it) is reproduced in the HFS Manual (Fig. 63, page 595.).
50.00 R60.00 |
17 |
Δ,35, 36 (2),Fragment of parcel card franked with 35 para using diagonally bisected 10 para stamp, cancelled in Vransko (1/2, 21). This very item is reproduced in the HFS Manual (Fig. 66, page 599.).
20.00 R28.00 |
Postage Due, Ljubljana Printing |
18 |
**/*,1/4 Bc,Postage Due, Ljubljana Printing. All four vinar values in brown-red pastel colour shade, 50 vin. is hinged, others MNH, rare, Certificate Petric.
180.00 R |
19 |
**,2 Bd,Postage Due, Ljubljana Printing. Value of 10 vin. in dark red-brown colour shade ("Bull's Blood"), MNH, very good quality, rare stamp, Certificate Petric.
80.00 R110.00 |
20 |
○,1 Bc,Postage Due, Ljubljana Printing. Value of 5 vin. in scarlet-red pastel colour shade, cancelled, few brown perfs, rare, Certificate Čičerov (FES).
50.00 R |
Postage Due Provisional issue |
21 |
**,18 K,Postage due. Provisional issue, 50 para with inverted and horizontally shifted overprint, MNH, small natural gumless part, signed Fleck, very rare.
40.00 R |
Dates |
22 |
,3, Av. 199, P 47,Parcel card franked with 1,10 K. 7.1.1919. Mixed franking with Austria sent from Ljubljana (7.I.19) to Domžale, where 5 hel. (vin.) delivery fee was charged, using Austrian postage due stamp.
50.00 R70.00 |
23 |
,3,8.I.1919, Picture postcard franked with 10 vin., sent from Ljubljana (8.I.19) to Graz, obviously by a philatelist who explains in the text, that only the values of 10 and 20 vin. were issued to date.
20.00 R36.00 |
Postal history |
24 |
,Av. 194,Cover franked with 40 hel. (vin), using Austrian stamp, sent from Škofja Loka (23.I.19) to Ljubljana.
40.00 R |
25 |
,Smaller postal history lot of 12 items. Some less frequent destinations, mixed qualty, inspection recommended.
50.00 R |
26 |
,Specialized collection of postcards comprising 50 items in an album. Various colours of paper and print, paper types, unused and used and including variously uprated items, inspection recommended.
240.00 |
27 |
,Postal History Lot of 50 items (few of these are fragments), mostly common items, mixed quality, inspection recommended.
100.00 R |
28 |
,Small lot of 8 picture postcards, franked with Chainbreakers, including two sent from "Otok", Carinthia.
30.00 R |
29 |
,SHS Croatia 15 fil. Postcard, used in Slovenia, sent from Sevnica (January 1920) to Vienna, unusual.
30.00 |
Mixed franking |
30 |
,2, 202 F,Austrian 10 hel. UPU double postcard (first part), issue of 1909, uprated by 5 vin. Chainbreaker, sent locally within Ljubljana (15.X.19).
50.00 |
31 |
,13,Austrian 10 hel. closed stationary postcard, issue of 1908, uprated by 20 vin. Chainbreaker, sent from Ljubljana (27.X.19) to Vienna.
50.00 |
32 |
,1/2, Av. 185,Austrian 5 hel. Postcard, issue of 1908, uprated by 11 vin/hel., using Austrian stamp and Chainbreakers (philatelically inspired), sent locally within Ljubljana (26.X.19).
30.00 |
33 |
,3, Av. 219,Austrian 8 hel. postcard uprated with 12 vin. (hel.). Mixed franking with Chainbreakes sent from Ljubljana (17.IX.19) to Kamna Gorica.
40.00 |
34 |
,2,Austrian 10 hel. Postcard, uprated by 5 vin. Chainbreaker, sent locally within Ljubljana (30.VII.19).
30.00 |
35 |
,2, 202 A,Austrian 10 hel. UPU double postcard, reply part, issue of 1909, uprated by 5 vin. Chainbreaker, sent from Ljubljana (19.1.19) to Vienna.
60.00 |
36 |
,33, Yu. 148, 150 (3), 156, P 51 (3),Parcel card, franked with 39,60 K., mixed franking with Kingdom of Yugoslavia issues. The 20 K. value in franking is minimally damaged. Sent from Celje (14.III.21) to Sarajevo, on arrival 30 para delivery fee was charged.
80.00 R100.00 |
37 |
,35, Yu. 151,Picture postcard (creased corner, affecting the 50 para stamp), franked 60 para. Mixed franking with Kingdom of Yugoslavia sent to Kopenhagen and cancelled by Railway TPO cancellation Tržič - Kranj (16.IV.21), some brown stains.
14.00 R |
Postage due, Delivery due |
38 |
,3, 6,Postal money transfer form, franked with 25 vin., from Poljčane (21.III.19) to Slovenska Bistrica. On arrival 5 vin. delivery fee was charged (22.III.19). Due to shortage of Postage due stamps a horizontaly bisected 10 vin. definitive Chainbreaker is used. Rare.
150.00 |
39 |
,Av. P 47 (4),Money transfer form franked 20 vin (hel), using Austrian postage due stamps, Smlednik (2.V.19).
40.00 R55.00 |
40 |
,Av. P 48 (2),Money transfer form franked 20 vin (hel), using Austrian postage due stamps, Zidani Most (3/5, 19).
34.00 R |
41 |
,5,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked 20 vin, using definitive Chainbreaker, Along the stamp written in manuscript: "Mesto portovne znamke" (instead of Postage due stamp), St. Margarethen a.d. Pössnitz (Sv. Marjeta pri Pesnici), 3.V.19.
24.00 R44.00 |
42 |
,5,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with 20 vin definitive Chainbreaker, "Porto" written over the stamp using lead pencil, Sv. Kunigunda (5.V.19).
20.0044.00 |
43 |
,5,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked 20 vin, using definitive Chainbreaker stamp, Zagorje ob Savi (6.VI.19).
20.0028.00 |
44 |
,Money transfer forms. A lot of 38 items, various frankings, colour shades, cancellations, forms, good start of a collection.
100.00130.00 |
45 |
,12, P 8/10,Postcard, franked with 60 vin. using four stamps of Bled Franco Provisionals sent from Bled (8.VIII.20) to Žirovnica (11.VIII.20).
50.00 R85.00 |
46 |
,7, P. 10,Money transfer form franked with 40 vin. Mixed franking with definitive Chainbreaker, Slovenska Bistrica (6.VII.20). Alongside auxiliary post office cancellation, "*SV. MARTIN na POHORJU*".
40.00 R |
47 |
,4, 9, 34, P 9, 15,10 vin. Postcard, uprated with 18 vin. and 5 para, sent from Novo mesto (6.X.20) to Ljubljana (7.X.20), where 30 vin. postage due was charged (10 vin. + 5 para), interesting combination.
40.00 |
48 |
,8 (4), 15,Money transfer form (slightly creased) franked with 20 vin. + 5 para (mixed franking of same value expressed in two currencies ! ), cancelled Zreče (16/11, 20).
30.00 |
49 |
,13, 29,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of stamps franked 80 vin. using definitive Chainbreakers, Kranjska Gora (2.VIII.20).
30.00 R |
50 |
,11,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with 10 vin definitive Chainbreaker, "Porto" written over the stamp using lead pencil, Sv. Pavel pri Preboldu (2.II.20).
20.0036.00 |
51 |
,16,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with 10 vin definitive Chainbreaker, "Porto" written over the stamp using lead pencil, Slovenska Bistrica (2.VI.20).
20.0042.00 |
52 |
,P. 10,Money transfer form franked with 10 vin., Šent. Jernej (23.II.20), alongside auxiliary post office cancellation, "*GORENJE VRHPOLJE (ŠT. JERNEJ)*".
20.00 R |
53 |
,34, 36,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked 20 para with Dinar currency Chainbreakers, "Porto" written over the stamps using lead pencil, Dol pri Ljubljani (20.XI.20).
20.00 |
54 |
,24,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked 10 vin, using definitive Chainbreaker, Ljubljana (13/4, 20).
20.00 R |
55 |
,11,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked 10 vin, using definitive Chainbreaker, Bela Cerkev (2.VII.20).
20.00 R44.00 |
56 |
,34 (2),Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with Dinar currency Chainbreakers, 2 x 5 para, Bučka (10.X.20).
20.00 R |
57 |
,34 (2),Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with a pair of 5 para value of Dinar currency Chainbreaker, with "PORTO" applied over the stamps by handheld cachet, from Bled (20.VIII.20).
20.0032.00 |
58 |
,16 (2),Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked 80 vin, using definitive Chainbreakers, "porto" written in manuscript, using lead pencil, Medija Izlake (26.VI.20).
20.00 R55.00 |
59 |
,P 17 (2), Yu. 147,Money transfer form franked with 50 para. Mixed franking with Kingdom of Yugoslavia definitive stamp, "Porto" written in manuscript using lead pencil, Črnomelj (13.VII.21).
30.00 R60.00 |
60 |
,35,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with Dinar currency Chainbreaker of 10 para, "Porto" written over the stamp using lead pencil, Ivanjkovci (10.III.21).
20.0046.00 |
61 |
,35,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with Dinar currency Chainbreaker of 10 para, Šent Rupert pri Mokronogu (17.IV.21).
20.00 R |
62 |
,35,Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with Dinar currency Chainbreaker of 10 para, Zavrče (1.II.21).
20.00 |
63 |
,35 (2),Money transfer form. Due to shortage of postage due stamps franked with Dinar currency Chainbreakers 2 x 10 para, Sv. Peter v Savinjski dolini (30.I.21).
16.00 R46.00 |
64 |
,P 16 (2),Money transfer form franked with 10 para, Laško (3.II.20), alongside auxiliary post office cancellation "*SV. LENART NAD LAŠKEM*".
16.00 R |
Forms |
65 |
,2, 19,Reclamation of Unpaid Postage. Provisional use of an old form for different purpose. Post Office Ljubljana 1 (19.X.19) sought to collect 1,05 K. from the post office Nemška Loka (21/10, 19), rare.
100.00 R180.00 |
Military Mail, Censor Cachets |
66 |
,Stampless picture postcard (military mail), sent from Jesenice na Gorenjskem (10/6, 19) to Ljubljana, nice strike of "KOLODVORSKO POVELJSTVO JESENICE" cancellation, some brown stains.
100.00 R320.00 |
67 |
,Grabštajn, stampless picture postcard, rubber cachet cancellation "Kolodvorsko poveljstvo", mailed to Vače, Railway TPO cancellation Franzenfeste - Marburg (6.VIII.19).
80.00 R260.00 |
68 |
,Stampless picture postcard (military mail) cancelled "Ledenitzen / 5.8.19" (Ledenice), alongside military unit cancellation "Pešpolk št. 7 SHS - I bataljon". Sent to Ljubljana. Picture postcard is damaged, has brown stains, several pin hols and (holed ).
70.00 R160.00 |
Province of Ljubljana, Italian Occupation | |||||
69 |
*,9 A,Air Mail value of 40 Din. with overprint of the type prepared for the value of 50 Din. Slight hinge remnant, good quality, expert opinion France.
160.00 |
70 |
,It. 307,Postcard of 30 cent. uprated by 50 cent., sent from auxiliary post office "*OREHOVICA/(ŠT: JERNEJ)*", via post office (24.XI.41) to Vienna, censored. Poorer strike of auxiliary post office cancellation.
40.00500.00 |
71 |
,396, It. 624,Philatelicaly inspired cover showing "mixed franking". Diagonally bisected 1,50 Din Kingdom of Yugoslavia stamp (no need and without authorisation) and with an Italian 20 cent. stamp which was not valid in Province of Ljubljana at the time. Cancelled by Ljubljana and Posta Militare No. 93 (21.4.41) to Triest (24.4.41).
40.00 R |
72 |
** / * / ○,44/7,TBC, complete set, mint (two stamps hinged). Additionally four stamps with constant flaws (2 x missing C in Civile and 2 x missing i in Sloveni), two stamps are CTO with later applied cancellations.
24.00 R26.00 |
73 |
,309, 436,Cover franked with 3,75 Lira, including express mail stamp 2,50 Lira (!), sent from Ljubljana via Triest (13.1.42) and Milano (15.1.42) to St. Remy en Provence, unusual destination.
80.00 R |
74 |
,It. 303, 308 (2),Postcard of 30 cent. uprated by 1,70 Lira, sent registered from Ljubljana 1 (12.12.42) to Zagreb (16.XII.42).
40.00 |
75 |
,Internal postal document, from Postal Direction in Ljubljana, "DIR. PROV. POSTE T. E T., 1, Lubiana, POKR. POŠTNO B. in T. RAVNAT., Ljubljana, 28.1.43" zo Post Office Mokronog (28.I.43). Very rare cancellation, only few strikes recorded !
200.00 R320.00 |
Province of Ljubljana, German occupation | |||||
76 |
**,29/30,"Red Cross", complete MNH set, good quality.
70.00 R |
77 |
,P7 (5),Cover (verticaly creased, slightly damaged above), franked with 2,50 Lira, due to shortage of stamps Postage Due stamps are used as definitives. Sent registered from Ljubljana 1 ((9), 9.XII.44) to POW, Oflag 10, Hohensalza (8.1.45)
70.00 R |
78 |
,14 (2),Cover (vertically creased, flap missing) franked with 2,50 Lira, sent registered from Ljubljana 1 ((15), 4.4.44) to Šibenik, censored.
60.00 R |
79 |
,312,Larger cover (vertically creased without affecting the stamp), franked 2,55 Lira using Italian stamp without overprint, sent registered from Vrhnika ((4), 29.XI.44) to Ljubljana.
50.00 R |
80 |
,1 (6), 6 (4), 11,Cover franked with 2,75 Lira, sent registered from Ljubljana 1 ((15), 15.6.44) to Anrechte (24.6.44).
50.00 R |
81 |
,14,Cover with single franking of 2,55 Lira sent registered from Ljubljana 1 ((15), 17.5.44) to Vienna (25.V.44), censored.
50.00 |
82 |
,2 (2),Italian 30 cent. postcard, uprated by 20 cent., sent from Novo mesto (23.VI.44) to Vienna, censored.
40.0046.00 |
83 |
,4,Italian 30 cent. postcard, uprated by 20 cent., sent from Novo mesto (1.V.44) to Vienna, censored.
40.0044.00 |
84 |
,Italian 75 cent. postcard sent from "St. Barthelma (1), Št. Jernej, 16.IX.44", via "Rudolfswert (1), Novo mesto, 16.IX.44" to Vienna, censored.
30.0085.00 |
85 |
,55,Cover (vertically creased without affecting the stamp), franked 2,50 Lira 'Landscape' stamp, sent registered from Ljubljana 1 ((9), 24.IV.45) to Mirna Peč, few brown stains.
50.00 R100.00 |
86 |
,49,Cover franked with 50 cent, sent locally within Ljubljana 1 ((14), 1.V.45), few brown stains.
30.00 R |
Official Mail Alpenvorlad/Adria | |||||
87 |
**,Alpenvorland/Adria. Complete MNH set, imperforate, rare.
120.00 R150.00 |
Provisional Issues 1945 | |||||
88 |
,31,Cover, franked with 42 pfg. value of Maribor Provisional Issue, sent registered from Celje (29.VI.45) to Guštanj (no arrival cancellation), Celje censor. Extremely rare use, correct postage !
340.00 R1200.00 |
89 |
,24 (2),Stampless cover, sent from post office Ljubljana 1 ([14], 29.VI.45) to Guštanj. On arrival 24 pfg. postage due was charged using "Guštanj Postage Due Provisional" (2.7.45). Very rare !
250.00 R500.00 |
Slovenian Littoral, Triest B, Istria | |||||
90 |
,Stampless picture postcard (slightly creased) sent from Triest (28/V, 1945) to Belgrade, censored, rare.
60.00 R100.00 |
91 |
**,41/76, P 1/27,Slovene Littoral. In basic numbers complete (unissued San Giusto is missing), MNH, very good quality.
100.00 R200.00 |
92 |
**,51/5, 57/60 (25),Landscapes' (Zagreb Printing). Apart from the 4 Lira stamp all other values in MNH blocks of 25 stamps. All stamps are good/very good quality, including many (part) constant flaws, including "Narrow stamp" of thr 20 Lira value (position 4), see Novaković !
190.00 R |
93 |
**,P 14/6 III,Postage Due III. Values 1 to 4 Lira, horizontaly divided rectangle, MNH, very good quality.
16.00 R55.00 |
94 |
*/**,Triest B. Lot of unused issues in an album. Better issues are mostly hinged and imperforate "Railway" S/Sheet is heavily damaged. Precise inspection is recommended.
60.00 R130.00 |
95 |
**,B 1/2,Railways. Both S/Sheets, MNH. The perforated S/Sheet has a minimal adhesion spot, the imperforated minimally creased.
80.00 R110.00 |
96 |
,UPU. Complete set on FDC sent registered from Koper (8.10.49) to Cruz Chica (Argentina, 4.NOV.49), unusual destination.
30.00 R |
97 |
,Triest B, postcard, Tito, 2 Din., unused. Variety large "N" in word CARTOLINA.
20.00 R |
98 |
**,MF 1/3,Tito, 60th Birthday. Complete set in miniature sheets of 12 stamps. The value of 15 din. has a minimal finger print in margin, above average quality !
640.00 R1300.00 |
99 |
,17/8, 46, 50,Cover, franked with 72 Din., sent registered, by Air Mail from Koper (28.IV.52) to Vienna (2.V.52).
50.00110.00 |
100 |
,48,Cover (with contents), franked with 15 Din., cancelled by rare Dekani "B" cancellation, sent in March 1952 to Radovljica, somewhat weak postmark.
40.00 R |
101 |
,65/6 (2),Din. 28.00 aerograme franked with both Red Cross beneficiary stamps (each in pair) sent from Koper (1.XI.52) to Ljubljana. Philatelic correspondance, Certificate Verner.
30.0085.00 |
102 |
,62/4,Cover franked with 93 din. using complete 'Navy Day' set sent registered, on the First Day of Issue from Koper (13.09.52) to Triest (14.9.52).
20.00 |
103 |
,P 12, It. 812,Picture postcard, franked with 10 Lira sent from Belluno (3.8.53) to Koper. On arrival 2 Din. postage due was charged (5.VIII.53).
60.00 R180.00 |
104 |
**,A20 a,"Esperanto", 300 Din. Air Mail, lilac shade, MNH, very good quality.
60.00 R85.00 |
105 |
○,79, 79/I,"Industry", 15 Din.. Both types of basic stamp, cancelled in good quality.
40.00 R |
106 |
,A 31,Overfranked cover, franked with 500 din Air Mail stamp sent registered, on the First Day of Issue from Koper (9.10.54) to Brescello (11.10.54).
30.00 |
107 |
,Triest B, 10 Din. Tito Postcard ("STT - VUJNA" lenght 32 mm), slightly creased, sent from Izola (7.8.54) to Vrhnika (8.8.54).
22.00 R32.00 |
108 |
,Triest B, Tito, 10 Din. Postcard ("STT - VUJNA" lenght 35 mm), unused, good quality.
20.00 R |
109 |
,Triest B, Tito, 17 Din. postcard, unused, good quality.
20.00 R |
Republic of Slovenia | |||||
110 |
**,Slovenia, MNH collection in two albums. First years collected double, including some miniature sheets, since 2002 per one. Includeed are also some booklets but no personalized stamps. Inspection recommended.
300.00 R400.00 |
111 |
,1(10),"Independance", complete set of 10 FDC.
100.00 R |
112 |
,Slovenia. Collection of FDC, quite complete, inspection recommended.
60.00 R110.00 |
113 |
**,1/452 (4),Slovenia,at sight complete MNH collection in blocks of four in an album, high purchase value !
Some S/Sheets are only present twice, some miniature sheets four times, without definitives 300/400 Sit., inspection recommended.
160.00 R240.00 |
114 |
○,1/452 (5),Slovenia. Five collections of used stamps of the period (very few individual stamps in lesser quantity than five stamps. Includes charity stamps and some stamps from S/Sheets (instead of complete S/Sheets), inspection recommended, rarely offered !
130.00 R |
115 |
**,Slovenia. Folder with sheets, mostly from the Tolar currency period including single values and charity stamps, inspection needed.
100.00 R |
116 |
**,Slovenia. Virtually complete MNH collection on Leuchtturm album pages in an album. Including "Idria Lace", all three issues, "Dated Coat-of-Arms", 11 Sit value Type II, most of the miniature sheets (without Nature Protection and Meteorology) and booklets, inspection recommended.
120.00 R250.00 |
117 |
,Slovenia. MNH collection in a folder (poorly presented), in addition there are "Essays", various commemorative cancellations and covers, inspection recommended.
150.00 R270.00 |
118 |
**,Slovenia. Collection of MNH stamps and miniature sheets in a box. Until 2014 in two albums, after that in glassines as purchased on post office (till issue March 2018). Miniature sheets Meteorology and Environment are missing, as well as personalized stamps. Otherwise complete, with some duplicates, booklets, Czech issue… Precise inspection recommended.
1000.00 R |
119 |
,Collection of FDC in two boxes, complete, as sold by the post office. Until 2003 in two albums, after that in a box (last issue March 2018), inspection recommended.
250.00 R360.00 |
120 |
,Slovenia. Quite complete collection of the period on mailed covers, mostly by airmail, some were mailed on day of issue. In an album, inspection recommended.
50.00 R |
121 |
**,8/12 (2),"Dateless Coat-of-Arms". Complete set in pairs with left stamp of each pair showing a part constant flaw "White dot in S".
20.00 R32.00 |
122 |
**,263,Horses. Value of 60 sit. from upper sheet margin, perforation heavily shifted to the right, MNH.
30.00 R |
123 |
**,264,Horses. Value of 70 sit. from left sheet margin, perforation heavily shifted to the right, MNH.
30.00 R |
124 |
**,311 (10),"Environment". Miniature sheet of 10 stamps and 5 labels, MNH, good quality.
50.00 R |
125 |
**,312 (10),Meteorology. Miniature sheet, 9 stamps + label, MNH, good quality.
50.00 R |
126 |
,Slovenia, collection of FDC in two thick SAFE albums. Years 2005 till 2015 at sight quite complete, few older FDC, aditionally there are some postcards and a few older covers of Yugoslavia, inspection recommended.
160.00 R240.00 |
Slovenia, incoming mail, various | |||||
127 |
,16/7,Preussen. Cover (vertically creased), franked with 5 Sgr, sent from Berlin (28.4.66) to Ljubljana (30.4.), few brown stains.
40.00 R |
128 |
,1/14,Venezia Giulia. Fourteen values affixed on two covers, CTO by Triest 19.XI.19.
50.00 R |
129 |
,92 (2),Cover franked wit 1 Lira sent to Artiče and cancelled by Railway TPO cancellation "Postumia Trieste * A * , 5.5.24".
20.00 R |
130 |
** / * / ○,Province of Ljubljana (Italian and German Occupation), Slovene Littoral and VUJA. Smaller lot on 3 album pages. Quality is somewhat mixed. (There are two 30 Lira value of the 'Landscapes', Province of Ljubljana MNH, however one has brown stain in gum. Some of the stamps with shifted overprint have gum adhesions). Stamps of Slovene Littoral are mostly of good quality, Triest B is in very mixed quality, inspection needed.
120.00 R230.00 |
131 |
,Court summons franked with 0,50 Din. sent from Murska Sobota (3.12.45) to Puconci (4.XII.45).
12.00 R48.00 |
132 |
,472, 493,Cover franked with 9,50 Din. sent registered from Ormož (4.11.46) to Ljutomer.
12.00 R48.00 |
Other countries–Stamps of Slovenian interest | |||||
Yugoslavia | |||||
133 |
,Yugoslavia. Collection in a Schaubek album, collected mixed, mint (all hinged, including 1960-ies issues ! ) and used. The collection includes a few better issues but the most expensive are missing. Inspection needed.
150.00 R |
134 |
** / * / ○,Yugoslavia, legacy of a collector in carton box. Six albums and two folders. An incomplete collection, unused and used (partly both), some covers and duplicates, without expensive issues, inspection needed.
100.00 R120.00 |
135 |
** / * / ○,Yugoslavia. Incomplete collection on Lindner pages in four albums. Consists of mostly MNH stamps, some are cancelled, somewhat mixed quality, inspection recommended.
150.00 R |
136 |
**,Yugoslavia. Smaller accumulation of MNH stamps in two albums, inspection recommended.
60.00 R |
137 |
**/*,Yugoslavia. In basic numbers on sight complete collection (some Postage Due and charity stamps are missing). Quality is somewhat mixed. Stamps are generaly MNH,a few hinged stamps were noticed (Famous men 1954, Zefiz S/Sheet - which also has a brown spot). Industry definitives are a bit mixed regarding printings. However there are a few varieties. Inspection recommended.
250.00 R |
138 |
,467, 484,Parcel card, franked with 25 Din., sent from Zagreb (26. VII.46) to Valpovo (26.VII.46).
20.00 R |
139 |
** / * / ○,Partisans, Industry, Postage Due. A lot of lesser varieties and marginal stamps.
30.00 R |
140 |
,471 (2), 474, 493,Parcel card franked with 12 Din. from Pecka (4.VI.47) to Skopje (8.VI.47). Used is also diagonally bisected 1 Din. value from the "Partisans" definitives. Extremely rare use of bisected stamp by postal clerk !
50.00 R160.00 |
141 |
,Yugoslavia. Lot of 11 postcards, including interesting frankings, additional illustration prints, varieties.
30.00 R |
142 |
,473,Picture postcard franked with 2 Din., perfectly cancelled by Railway TPO cancellation "Zagreb - Maribor, 29, 1.II.49", sent to Ljubljana.
16.00 R |
143 |
,630,Parcel card (vertically creased, without affecting stamps), using bisected 2 Din. stamp (form) from "Economy" set, sent from Draginje (30.X.51) to Tetovo (5.XI.51).
24.00 R30.00 |
144 |
,Tito, 2 Din. Postcard with additional imprint "10 years of OF", uprated by 11 Din., sent express from Laško (20.6.51), railway TPO cancellation "Maribor - Ljubljana, 39, 20.VI.51) to Austria (Vienna, 25.VI.51), censored.
18.00 R |
145 |
,593,Cover, franked with 3 Din value of "Partisans Issue" with "FNR" overprint. The overprint heavily shifted horizontally, sent from Arandjelovac (3.IX.51) to Belgrade (4.IX.51).
14.00 R30.00 |
146 |
,515 I, II (4), 631 (2), 642,Cover with attractive franking of 15 Din. sent from Ljubljana (24.XI.51) to Ptuj (25.11.51).
12.00 R |
147 |
,P 142,Tito. Illustrated postcards in dark brown, unused. Collection of 35 different motifs (of 36 existing, missing No. 12 according to Stojsavljević) and 22 duplicates (5 used).
80.00 R |
148 |
,P 141,Tito. Illustrated postcards in light brown, unused. Collection of 29 different motifs (of 32 existing, missing Nos. 9, 15 and 25 according to Stojsavljević) and 23 duplicates (2 used).
70.00 R |
149 |
,P 143,Tito. Illustrated postcards in olive green, unused. Collection of 31 different motifs (of 36 existing, missing Nos. 13, 14, 19, 22, 23 according to Stojsavljević) and 27 duplicates (4 used).
70.00 R |
150 |
,P 140,Tito. Illustrated postcards in darkgreen, unused. Collection of 30 different motifs (of 32 existing, missing are Nos. 19 and 23 according to Stojsavljević) and 10 duplicates (2 used).
70.00 R |
151 |
,730,"Esperanto", 300 Din., Air Mail, FDC, minimally creased.
50.00 R |
152 |
,733,Istria Annexation FDC. The tamp has an interesting and probably part constant flaw "Broken shovel handle", not recorded to date.
26.00 R |
153 |
,P 148 a, b,Industry, 10 din. postcard, images of cities in Yugoslavia. (Postcard 148a of 88 different motifs (of 98 existing) and 148b, 70 different motifs (of 98 existing), mostly unused with some duplicates.
150.00 R180.00 |
154 |
,P 148,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Zagreb motif, green, without imprint of value (stamp), unused.
14.00 R |
155 |
,P 148,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Kruševo motif, black-brown, without imprint of value (stamp), unused.
14.00 R |
156 |
,P 148,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Kruševo motif, red-brown, without imprint of value (stamp), unused.
14.00 R |
157 |
,P 148,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Makarska motif, red-brown, without imprint of value (stamp), unused, slightly damaged in right upper corner.
14.00 R |
158 |
,P 148,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Makarska motif, green, without imprint of value (stamp), unused, slightly creased.
14.00 R |
159 |
,P 148,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Mavrovo motif, black-brown, without imprint of value (stamp), unused.
14.00 R |
160 |
,P 148,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Rijeka motif, green, without imprint of value (stamp), unused.
14.00 R |
161 |
,P 148,Industry, Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Višegrad motif, black-brown, without imprint of value (stamp), unused.
14.00 R |
162 |
,P 148,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Ulcinj motif, red-brown, without imprint of value (stamp), unused.
14.00 R |
163 |
,P 150/2,Ilustrated postcards "15th Anniversary of JNA". Good lot of 85 items, unused, generally in good quality. Includes some small varieties as well as some duplicates, precise inspection recommended.
200.00 R |
164 |
,776/87,Art. Complete set on two FDC, Belgrade cancellation.
60.00 R |
165 |
,P 149,Industry 10 Din Illustrated Postcards (selling price 15 Din). A lot of 23 postcards, 8 unused and 15 used, generally of good quality.
20.00 R65.00 |
166 |
,P 149,Industry. Illustrated 10 Din. postcard, Piran motif, two postcards. One unused, with incorrest inscription "Koper" below image, the other, used, with corrected inscription "Piran", curiosity.
20.00 R28.00 |
167 |
,2176 (2),Cover, franked with 1400 Din., sent registered from Ljubljana (7.10.88) to Izola. A pair of 200 Din stamp is misperforated resulting in vertically narrow stamps completely omitting name 'JUGOSLAVIJA'.
10.00 R |
168 |
,Telegraph transfer DFJ form (0,50 Din.) and four 1 Din. Forms of FNRJ (four languages, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian).
24.00 R |
169 |
,Lot of postal documents and receipts, including auxiliary parcel cards, inspection recommended.
40.00 R42.00 |
170 |
,Parcel cards, unused (6 items), DFJ and FNRJ.
20.00 R26.00 |
171 |
,Postal money transfe forms. Eleven unused forms from various periods (DFJ, FNRJ, SFRJ), various face values and languages.
30.00 R |
172 |
,International postal transfer form (1 Din). Four forms in four languages (Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian), unused, good quality.
16.00 R |
Kingdom of Yugoslavia | |||||
173 |
** / * / ○,First American Issue. Nice specialized lot of stamps with varieties. Apart from usual known varieties of perforation, folds during perforation and printing, complete imperforated set (partly original gum) also noted is 10 para in perforation 10 1/2 (without gum) and 50 para in mixed perforation 10 1/2 : 12 (these two unknown in literature to date), precise inspection is recommended, lot is sold as is.
100.00 R180.00 |
174 |
**,P 53 I (2),Postage Due. Value of 10 para in MNH horizontal pair from right margin. The pair has a double perforation between the stamps, the right stamp is imperforated in the margin, rare !
30.00 R65.00 |
175 |
,P 51, Postcard of 15 para unused in good quality. The postcard has incorect wording in text: "Slovencaa".
20.00 R |
176 |
,Kingdom of Yugoslavia. A lot of varieties, including five essays and one parcel card with 20 Din value "War Wounded", with "Flat Figure 2"
40.00 R |
177 |
** / * / ○,Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Small lot of varieties/errors on definitives, including few dubious (e.g. 20 Din. Jugoslavia double overprint), among othres Alexander 1924 issue, value of 0,50 Din. with triple perforation in left margin, inspection recommended.
30.00 R40.00 |
178 |
,Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Small lot of varieties, few interesting items.
18.00 R |
179 |
*,209 DD,Flood Relief Surcharge'. Value of 15 Din. with double overprint, mint, hinged, good quality.
40.00 R |
180 |
,Two postcards cancelled by two different types of Railway TPO Dolnja Lendava - Zagreb (212), nice strikes.
20.00 R |
181 |
,Kingdom of Yugoslavia mostly Peter II. Period. A lot of 14 covers/postcards franked with marginal stamps showing lines, inscriptions or numbers on margin, unusual in this form.
36.00 R |
182 |
*/**,Kingdom of Yugoslavia, mostly Peter II. Period. Small specialized collection of marginal stamps, showing lines, markings, figures and letters on margin, inspection recommended.
80.00 R320.00 |
183 |
,P70,King Alexander, 1,75 Din. Postcard with mourning frame, uprated by 0,25 din, vertically creased, sent from Zagreb (7.X.36) to Jasenovac (8.10.36). On arrival "Otputovao/Parti." label was attached and readressed to Lokve
20.00 R |
184 |
,P70,King Alexander, 1,75 Din. Postcard with mourning frame, minimaly creased, sent from Sekić (Lovčenac, 3.2.36) to Nauen, rare postcard.
20.00 R |
185 |
,P76, 79,Illustrated postcards. Monasteries, 8 items (one with registrator holes) and one card P 83 (registrator holes), somewhat mixed quality.
36.00 R |
186 |
**,347 A,Air Mail. Value of 30 Din. with shifted printing phase, MNH, pencil markings on gum.
30.00 R60.00 |
187 |
,348 (2), P 68,Entente. Value of 3 Din value with heavily shifted perforation (brown stains) and 10 Din. Postage Due stamp with double perforation to bottom (creased).
16.00 R28.00 |
188 |
,King Peter II, illustrated postcards, mostly 1 Din., with the figure in left lower corner, 15 items, used, mixed quality (three with registrator holes).
30.00 R |
189 |
,King Peter II, illustrated 1 Din postcards, Postal Direction Skopje, 48 items, mostly used, many duplicates, partly mixed quality, inspection recommended.
30.00 |
190 |
,King Peter II, illustrated 1 Din postcards, Postal direction Zagreb, 32 items, mostly used, partly mixed quality, inspection recommended.
28.00 R |
191 |
,King Peter II, Ilustrated 1 Din postcards, Postal Direction Belgrade, 35 items, mostly used, in brown colour, many duplicates, partly mixed quality, inspection recommended.
28.00 R |
192 |
,King Peter II, illustrated 1 Din postcards, Postal Direction Novi Sad, 33 items, mostly used, many duplicates, partly mixed quality, inspection recommended.
26.00 R |
193 |
,King Peter II, illustrated 1 Din postcards, Postal Directions Sarajevo (15 items), Split (4 items) and Cetinje (1), mostly used, mixed quality (two with registrator holes), inspection recommended.
16.00 R |
194 |
,P83 d,King Peter II, illustrated 1 Din postcard, Sv. Janez (Bohinjsko jezero). Unused, heavily shifted print of one phase (brown colour), rare !
40.00 R |
195 |
*,430 K,TBC, value of 1 + 1 Din. with inverted overprint, mint hinged in good quality.
30.00 R |
196 |
,Lot of postal forms and receipts, 15 items in total including auxiliary parcel cards.
40.00 R |
197 |
,Postal money transfer forms. Fourteen forms all different in somewhat mixed quality.
34.00 R |
198 |
,Parcel cards, unused, 7 items.
20.00 R |
London Issue |
199 |
**,445/50,"Golden Airplane". 'Famous People' set of the London issue with overprint of an airplane in golden colour, MNH, very good quality.
40.00 R65.00 |
Austria | |||||
Prephilatelic period |
200 |
,Complete prephilatelic letter sent from "NEUSTADTL / ILLYRIEN" (Novo mesto, 1819, Mü. 1004.b) to Ljubljana.
70.00 R90.00 |
201 |
,Complete prephilatelic letter sent "V. PREWALD" (Razdrto, Mü. 1187.a) to Triest, very good quality.
120.00 R |
202 |
,Complete prephilatelic letter, sent "Von Pettau" (Ptuj, Mu. 1116.a), 1826, ideal strike.
80.00 R |
203 |
,Complete prephilatelic letter sent from S. Pietro (Pivka), via post office Zagorje (na Krasu), cancelled "SAGORJA" to Triest. Cancellation is not recorded in Müller, only another cover is recorded. See articles about this cancellation in Nova Filatelija (3 and 4/2004, 1/2005). Extremely rare !
640.00 R850.00 |
204 |
,Complete prephilatelic letter sent from St. Peter (Pivka), via Postojna, red "ADELSBERG 10 DECMB 1829" (this cancellation type is not recorded in Müller !! ) to Triest (11 DEZEMBER 1829).
140.00 R540.00 |
205 |
,Almost complete prephilatelic letter senr from "ADELSBERG 22 FEBR." (Postojna, in Müller this cancellation type is not recorded !! ) to Triest (23/FEB), rare !
100.00 R440.00 |
206 |
,Complete prephilatelic letter. Red "S.OSWALD / 30 AUG:" (Šentožbalt pri Trojanah, 1847, Mü. 1312.b), sent to Cormons (2/9).
80.00 R150.00 |
Philatelic Period |
207 |
,Postal money transfer forms, unused ranging from 5 to 25 kr. In total 35 items including duplicates, in part somewhat mixed quality.
150.00 R |
208 |
,Unused stationery postcards, complete - all parts, to pay taxes, 9 items, mostly different.
20.00 R |
209 |
,Postal Savings Postcard. Four examples of different issues, unused.
24.00 R26.00 |
210 |
,Unused stationery postcards, complete - all parts, to pay taxes, 11 items, mostly different.
30.00 R |
211 |
,P 127,2 kr. Reply Postcard. Bilingual commercial printing of the Schuchardt Company sent from Triest (1/3, 99) to Konstanz (3.3.99).
10.00 R |
212 |
,2 kr. Reply Postcard, uprated with 1 hel. (two currencies mixed franking). Commercial printing of the Wiegele Wine Company sent from Triest (17.1.1900) to Eisenstock (19.1.1900).
14.00 R |
213 |
,Picture postcard (colour litho of Split), sent from auxiliary post office *ST. GOTTHARD/ŠT. GOTARD (TROJANA)*, via post office Trojane to Idrija (26/2, 03).
40.00 R |
214 |
,Receipt (of "Okrajno Glavarstvo"= District Administration) with perfect strike of "MAVHINJE", near post office Devin (27/8, 04).
30.00 R |
215 |
,P 167,Reply Postcard of 5 heller. Bilingual commercial printing of the Adriatica Company, sent from Triest (7/11, 07) to Griez (9.11.07).
12.00 R |
216 |
,119, 141, 143,Cover with mixed franking 2 x 10 heller of two issues. Very attractive and rare, sent from Maribor (6.VII.08) to Graz (6.VII.08).
24.00 R |
217 |
,Jubilee Postcard 1908'. Fourteen items both unused and cancelled with few duplicates.
14.00 R |
218 |
,Court summons receipt with strike of auxiliary post office *GORJANCI*, post office Komen (28.2.11).
30.00 R |
219 |
,Court summons receipt with strike of auxiliary post office *SCOFFIE DI SOTTO/SPODNJE ŠKOFIJE*, cancellation of Triest (7.XII.12).
30.00 R |
220 |
,Court summons receipt with strike of auxiliary post office *KUBED / COVEDO, ISTR*, near post office Černikal (18/11, 12).
30.00 R |
221 |
,Postal Mail Order Card (Postauftragkarte) of 10 hel. Five different unused, complete forms in good quality.
40.00 R42.00 |
222 |
,151, 153 (7), 154,Parcel card, franked with 9,60 K., sent from Domžale (19/6, 16) to Prossnitz (Prostejov, Czech Republic, 23/9).
20.00 R |
223 |
,190 (3),Smaller cover franked with 45 hel. sent express, from Petrovče (25.V.17) to Guben (29.5.17).
16.00 R18.00 |
224 |
,142,Picture postcard of Krakow sent to Maribor. The addresee was unknown in Maribor, therefore cachet "In Marburg a/Drau / unbekannt" was applied. Rare.
30.00 R |
Baranya | |||||
225 |
,Baranya. Collection of 10 postcards (just one duplicated) and one franked cover, rare.
80.00 R |
Bosnia | |||||
226 |
,2 I, 3 II,Stationery envelope of 5 kr. uprated with 2 + 3 kr. sent from Sarajevo (16/8, 92) to Amsterdam (19 AUG 92), attractive, few minor stains on cover.
110.00 R170.00 |
227 |
,15 U,Small size cover franked 10 hel with marginal imperforated 10 hel. stamp, sent from Teslić (8/7, 05) to Nevesinje (10/7, 05).
80.00 R |
228 |
○,29/44,"Landscapes". A lot of stamps with mixed perforation, 46 items, usual quality for mixed perforation assembly.
70.00 R80.00 |
229 |
* / ○ / Δ,"Landscapes". A lot of imperforate stamps and one proof (2 hel.), including corner stamps, 45 hel. with marginal number, somewhat mixed quality.
34.00 R42.00 |
230 |
○,29/44,"Landscapes". Complete imperforate set, few marginal stamps, generally in good quality
18.00 R22.00 |
231 |
,138 (2),Value declared letter (slightly shortened at right), franked with 2 x 2 K. (one stamp affixed already damaged to the cover), sent from Vlasenica (25.X.18) to Sarajevo, FB (including form) ca € 1.200,00.
70.00 R |
232 |
**,Bosnia (Federation). On sight complete MNH collection of the period in an album. Stamps from miniature sheets with vignettes.
80.00 R150.00 |
Bosnia (Herceg - Bosna) | |||||
233 |
**,Herceg Bosna. On sight complete MNH collection in an album, stamps from small sheets with vignettes, all stamp cards.
120.00 R210.00 |
Montenegro | |||||
234 |
*/**,Montenegro. A lot of exile stamps, Gaeta and Bordeaux, generally in good quality.
50.00 R110.00 |
Montenegro, Italian Occupation | |||||
235 |
,26,Picture postcard of Hercegnovi (minimal crease) franked with 20 cent. and cancelled with Militar Post No. 94 cancellation (20.11.41), sent to Italy.
30.00 R |
236 |
,32,Military mail postcard uprated with airmail 50 cent stamp, cancelled by Posta Militare No. 12 cancellation (June 1942), sent to Milano.
50.00 R |
237 |
,29, 32,Cover, franked with 50 cent. + 50 cent. Air Mail stamp, sent from Posta Militare 60 (3.3.42) to Trapani (9.3.42).
40.00 |
Croatia, Provisional issues 1945 | |||||
238 |
,10, 12,Split Provisional Issue 1945. Cover creased twice without affecting stamps and with left upper corner missing, franked with key values (20 Kn. on 6 and 30 Kn on 8 Kn.), sent registered from Split (21.III.45) to Dubrovnik. Few brown spots on stamps, Certificates Ercegović and Schlenger.
150.00 R170.00 |
239 |
**,1.b (4),Split Provisional Issue 1945. Value of 10 Kn on 0,25 Kn. printed on porous paper, MNH block of four, very good quality.
60.00 R75.00 |
240 |
**,1/17 (4),Split Provisional Issue 1945. Complete set in MNH blocks of four.
50.00 R55.00 |
241 |
**,7.d (4),Split Provisional Issue 1945. Value of 20 Kn on 3,50 Kn. printed on offset paper, MNH block of four, one stamp with gumless part.
30.00 R42.00 |
242 |
**,Split Provisional Issue 1945. Small lot of stamps with paper varieties including the value of 20 Kn. on 3,50 Kn printed on offset paper, MNH, good quality.
20.00 R |
243 |
**,3.b, 6.b (4),Split Provisional Issue 1945. Values on 10 Kn on 0,75 Kn. and 20 Kn on 3,00 Kn in MNH blocks of four, porous paper, the value of 20 Kn on 3,00 Kn. has some gum irregularities.
16.00 R |
Northern Macedonia | |||||
244 |
**,Macedonia. On sight complete MNH collection of the period, including charity stamps, in an album. Stamps from miniature sheets with vignettes. High purchase value.
100.00 R |
Independant state of Croatia | |||||
245 |
○,1/2,Banja Luka Local Issue. Both values cancelled in Banja Luka (26.IV.41). The value of 2 Din is damaged : scratched to front and torn resulting from heavy canceller strike. Genuinelly cancelled stamps are rare.
270.00 R |
246 |
,1 Din postcard Kingdom of Yugoslavia, hand held cachet overprint "Nezavisna Država Hrvatska", uprated (stamp removed, probably due to censorship), sent from Ilidža (September 41) to Oflag 78, POW, Slovenian officer, good quality, rare.
60.00 R70.00 |
247 |
1, Ju. 396,Picture postcard, franked with 2 Din., mixed franking with Kingdom of Yugoslavia stamp without overprint, sent from Zagreb (24.VII.41) to Celje. Overprinted value of 0,50 Din. with constant flaw "Missing A in DRŽAVA".
30.00 R |
248 |
*,17 DD,Overprinted Definitives. Value of 5,50 Din with double overprint, hinged, signed Fleck.
16.00 R22.00 |
249 |
,14 (2), 48,Pension Fund Cover franked with 6,50 Din., sent registered, locally within Zagreb (24.IX.41).
14.00 R |
250 |
,9 (2), 15 (5), 43,Cover franked with 21 Din. sent by Air Mail from Zagreb (28.X.41) to Berlin, censored.
12.00 R30.00 |
251 |
,Small lot of eight FDC (two duplicates).
30.00 R |
252 |
/ Δ / ○,NDH, smaller lot of covers (some not addressed, some with written address but not mailed), fragments, loose stamps including some varieties, inspection recommended.
60.00 R110.00 |
253 |
**,70/3 (24),"Croatian Wings". Complete set in sheets of 24 stamps + central label, MNH, good quality.
60.00 R |
254 |
,61, 97 (3),FDC "700 Years of Zagreb", uprated with two same stamps + 12 K. landscapes, sent registered from Zagreb (22.III.43) to Berlin (29.3.43), censored. The stamps of "700 Years of Zagreb" were only postaly valid for a very short time, rare document !
50.00 R |
255 |
,115, Bl. 6,"3rd Philatelic Exhibition Zagreb". FDC signed "Seizinger". At the back of the cover is the S/Sheet of same issue also signed "Seizinger", a curiosity.
24.00 R44.00 |
256 |
,118 (2), 120 (2), 125,Larger cover, open on three sides, franked with 21,50 K. using "Red Cross III" Issue, sent registered to Berlin (1.11.43).
18.00 R30.00 |
257 |
,162/5 (2),Labour Front'. Complete set in pairs with central vignette on two philatelic covers sent registered by air from Vukovar (14.II.45) to Vienna (7.III.45). Mailed after the expiry of postal validity of stamps.
40.00 R55.00 |
258 |
**,NDH. MNH collection without expensive issues but with few exile "Cincerellas" in an album, inspection recommended.
70.00 R |
Dalmatia, Croatian Istria | |||||
259 |
,Complete prephilatelic letter (slightly damaged), sent from "GIMINO / 10.OTT:" ((1842), Žminj, Mü. 412.a) to Ovasta, signed Kajtna.
80.00 R |
260 |
,Complete prephilatelic letter (the entire has been wet at one time, slight tear), sent from "VISINADA / 10. FEB." ((1846) Vižinada, Mü. 1635.a) to Luint.
60.00 R |
261 |
,Air Mail cover franked with 13 cent from 1st flight Brioni - Fiume - Brioni (14.4.30) - Fiume (19.4.30).
24.00 R |
262 |
,46,Picture postcard franked with 4 lira, sent from Rovinj (23.2.46) to Ljubljana.
34.00 R |
263 |
,42, 45,Cover franked with 8 Lira, perfectly cancelled Motovun ([B], 30.4.47), sent to Triest (2.5.47).
34.00 R44.00 |
264 |
,2 Din "Tito" Postcard, sent registered (without additional stamps or marks of stamps removed ? ) from Novigrad (24.3.51) to Zelina (26.III.51), left lower corner creased.
70.00 R |
265 |
,2 Din "Tito" postcard, text of overprint underlined, sent from Novigrad (9.8.51) to Zelina (12.VIII.51), very good quality.
40.00 R65.00 |
266 |
,2 Din "Tito" postcard, Letter "A" in "Vojna" shifted upwards, sent from Novigrad (19.7.51) to Zelina (21.VII.51), good quality.
34.00 R46.00 |
267 |
,2 Din "Tito" postcard, uprated by 6 Din., sent from Novigrad (3.4.52) to Zelina (4.IV.52), one stamp affixed as damaged, few brown stains.
50.00 R95.00 |
268 |
,Cover franked with 10 Din., posted on ship "Krk", via post office Pula (21.XI.53) to Vienna.
40.00 R |
Republic of Croatia | |||||
269 |
,184/4,Independance and Christmas. Numbered commemorative albums. Each contains perforated and imperforated sheet, FDC and prospect.
40.00 R |
270 |
**,Croatia. On sight complete MNH collection of the period in an album. Few issues in miniature sheets, charity issue "Constitution" is incomplete.
150.00 R |
271 |
○,Croatia. Virtually complete collection of used stamps, in an album. "Constitution" charity stamps are missing, inspection recommended.
40.00 R70.00 |
SHS Bosnia | |||||
272 |
*,19/20 DK (4),"War Wounded". Both values in blocks of four, mint, hinged, double overprint of which one is inverted, (tete-beche) generally good quality (one stamp of 10 hel. With slight thin).
130.00 R |
273 |
**,A 19/29 I,"White Numerals War wounded". Both values with Latin overprint, MNH in good quality, Certificate Šedivy.
75.00 R |
274 |
*/**,"Landscapes". A lot of 8 values with double overprint of which one is inverted (tete-beche), good quality.
40.00 R |
275 |
**,6 (50),Landscapes' Value of 30 hel. Complete sheet of 50 stamps, MNH, generaly good quality.
26.00 R |
276 |
**,3 (45),Landscapes'. Value of 10 hel. In large multiple of 45 stamps, MNH, very good quality.
20.00 R |
277 |
*,21,"War Wounded". The value of 10 hel. with constant flaw, partialy missing letters "X" and "C" (position 41 in sheet), mint, hinged in good quality, certificate Šedivy.
10.00 R |
278 |
** / * / ○,Bosnia SHS. Specialized collection on album pages including inverted and double overprints, few fakes, inspection recommended.
160.00 R |
279 |
** / * / ○,Bosnia SHS. Specialized collection on album pages including inverted and double overprints, few fakes, inspection recommended.
80.00 R |
280 |
*,27/9,"Dot Overprint". Complete set, mint, hinged in good quality, Certificate Šedivy.
44.00 R |
281 |
*,1/13 K,First Postage Due Issue. Complete set mint, hinged with inverted overprint, good quality.
36.00 R |
Postal history | |||||
282 |
,24, P 12 (3),Parcel card, 8 hel. with additional value imprint 2 hel (for the form), franked with 3,10 K. using three Krona Postage due stamps, overprinted "FRANCO" by hand held cachet in mixed franking with 10 vin. Chainbreaker. Sent from Bos. Petrovac (18.X.19) to Gospič (24. OKT 919).
30.00 R38.00 |
283 |
,SHS Bosnia. Collection of postcards, 33 items in an album. Unused and mailed cards, mostly different and in good quality, few better types. Precise inspection is recommended.
150.00 |
284 |
,Small lot of postcards, mostly unused, including some Croatian items.
20.00 R |
285 |
,13 (5), P 18,Parcel card (minimal tear) with postage collected in cash sent from Sarajevo (30.I.20) to Visoko, where 1,20 K warehousing fee was charged using mixed franking of definitive Chainbreakers and Bosnian Postage due stamp (5.II.20).
40.00 R |
286 |
,21 (3), P 18,Parcel card, old Austrian form, 1908 !, franked with 17,00 K. Mixed franking of definitive and Postage Due Chainbreakers, sent from Zenica (8.II.21) to Duvno (11.II.21).
30.00 R55.00 |
287 |
,21 (3), 30, P 1,Parcel card franked with 16,05 K. Mixed franking of definitive and Postage Due Chainbreakers, sent from Gradačac (16.II.20) to Sarajevo (17.II.20).
24.00 R55.00 |
288 |
,44 B, P 15 (3),Postcard of 15 hel. uprated with 1,40 K/ Mixed franking with Postage Due Chainreakers used as definitive stamps. Sent registered from Pazarić (12.I.21) to Vienna.
30.00 R100.00 |
SHS Croatia | |||||
289 |
*,64/5,"Coronation". Both values mint, hinged in good quality, certificate Šedivy.
30.00 R |
290 |
*,27 K,Postage Due. The value of 1 fil. with inverted overprint, mint, hinged in good quality, certificate Šedivy.
12.00 R |
291 |
*,84,"Charles I.". The value of 10 fil., overprinted by typography in black instead of blue, mint, hinged in good quality, certificate Šedivy.
10.00 R |
Postal history | |||||
292 |
,SHS Croatia, Collection of postcards, 39 items in an album. Unused and mailed cards, mostly different and in good quality, few better types. Precise inspection is recommended.
140.00 |
293 |
,89, 94, 95,Telegram franked 1,48 K. sent from Krašić (2 JUL 19). The value of 1 K. with pinhole.
30.00 R |
294 |
,89 (2), 93 (2), 96,Express telegram franked with 3,90 K. sent from Krašić (1 JUN 19). The 3 K. stamp is damaged (cut at bottom and pinhole).
30.00 R |
295 |
,88 (7), 89, 90, 91 (3), 92, 95,Telegram franked 1,72 K. sent from Šamac (919 APR 28).
30.00 R46.00 |
296 |
,66, 84, Sl. 1,Military mail postcard franked with 15 fil/vin. Mixed franking with Chainbreaker, sent from Skrad (25 JUL 19) to Ljubljana (5.VIII.19), from there readdressed to Vienna.
24.0046.00 |
297 |
,90 (3), 94 (2),Cover, franked with 1,05 K., "Seamen", sent express - registered from Zagreb (919 FEB. 16)to Graz (21.II.19), Austrian censorship.
22.00 |
298 |
,Smaller lot of postal history. Twelve items, various combinations, including philatelic mail.
70.00 R |
299 |
,Stampless cover with postage collected in cash, "u gotovom zaračun / 90 f pod 12", sent registered from Našice (920 FEB 10.) to Vienna.
50.00 R |
300 |
,7, 20, P 10 (2),Money transfer form, inverted overprint of Croatian text (both sides). The form is regularly used and franked 2,70 K with Chainbreakers in mixed franking of definitive and postage due stamps. Sent from Ofutak (920 OKT 9.). Very rare !
50.00 R |
301 |
,Philatelic cover franked 1,40 K. mixed franking with Chainbreaker. Franking consists of eight stamps with overprint varieties (double, inverted, different type or colour of overprint), sent from Vukovar (920, MAR 15.), via Dresden (26.3.20) to Weimar.
34.00 R60.00 |
302 |
,Stampless cover.Manuscript remark "Poštarina u gotovu plačeno" (Postage paid in cash), sent from "Račinovci, 16 FEB 20) to Zagreb. The year of arrival cancellation (Datum error ? ) does not correspond to the mailing date (919 FEB 19).
30.00 |
303 |
,38, S. 139,Cover, franked with 50 para, mixed franking of two 25 para stamps (Chainbreaker and Serbian stamp), sent registered from Zagreb (920, NOV. ? ) to Innsbruck (3.XII.20). The Serbian stamp has a horizontal crease and as such affixed to the cover).
26.00 |
304 |
,4, 10 (2), 28,Postcard franked with 75 vin. sent registered from Jasenovac (23 JAN 20 ) to Zagreb (920 JAN 24).
18.00 |
Serbia | |||||
305 |
*,95/105, 120/9,"King Peter I.". Both sets, mint, hinged and generally good quality. Unfortunately the value of 5 Din. is missing in first set (replaced by 5 Din. value of the second set).
50.00 R |
306 |
,Serbia, German Occupation. Lot of five unused postcards.
20.00 R |
307 |
,Serbia, German Occupation. Three postcards from Belgrade to Kamnik, one regular, one registered and one airmail.
40.00 R110.00 |
Various | |||||
308 |
○,Norddeutscher Postbezirk. A lot of used stamps, somewhat mixwd quality, incluing very nice items, Mi. Nr. 23, used has been reperforated, inspection recommended.
50.00 |
309 |
,Hungary. Collection of 28 stationeries including some duplicates, mostly unused. Inspection recommended.
50.00 R |
310 |
** / * / ○,Belgium. Smaller lot in an album, including a few better issues. Some issues after 1945 are hinged, inspection recommended.
120.00 R |
311 |
,Italy. Postal history lot with some items used on former Yugoslav territory, including dubious items, inspection recommended.
100.00 R |
312 |
,China. Three picture postcards franked with Dragon sent from Shanghai to Europe (Lupoglava in Istria).
80.00 R85.00 |
313 |
**,4 (500),German Reich. Fieldpost, Nr. 4, 500 stamps (5 sheets of 100 stamps), Good quality, Mi. € 750,00.
50.00 R |
314 |
**,Famous persons. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. (according to owner) € 2.670,00.
200.00 R |
315 |
**,War, arms. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. (according to owner) € 526,00.
44.00 R |
316 |
**,Czechoslovakia. Smaller accumulation of MNH stamps in an album, mostly collected, Michel (according to owner) € 850,00.
40.00 R |
317 |
,Triest A. Collection of around 50 covers including better items. Some are FDCs but also many mailed, mostly philatelic covers. Few interesting combinations, inspection recommended.
250.00 R400.00 |
318 |
**/*,Triest A. Lot of better issues, mixed MH and MNH. Air Mail set is MNH, "Democratica" is MH. Parcel and Postage Due stamps are mixed, some single stamps, including better values, are hinged. Precise inspection is recommended.
150.00 R |
319 |
**,PP 1/12,Triest A, Parcel stamps, 1/12. Complete set MNH in very good quality. The values of 200, 300 and 500 lira are signed Diena. Additionaly the 3 lira value MNH with shifted perforation.
120.00 R150.00 |
320 |
** / * / ○,Germany, Bund. Mainly unused collection on Lindner pages in 8 albums. First couple of years mostly with cancelled stamps not complete. Later MNH with a few single used stamps. After 1970 complete MNH collection in basic numbers. Many years of valid postage, high purchase value ! Inspection recommended.
500.00 R |
321 |
**,Sport, various. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 1.160,00.
100.00 R |
322 |
**,Railways. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 956,00.
80.00 R |
323 |
**,UNO, New York, Geneve, Vienna, in three albums. Mostly collected in blocks of four (in the initial period less than 4 items), including some cancelled stamps and miniature sheets. Michel (according to owner) cca. € 3.500,00
100.00 R |
324 |
,Triest A. Lot of 10 covers with different cancellations of post offices in Triest and surroundings, including smaller post offices.
16.00 R |
325 |
**,Europe Cept. Complete MNH collection of the period in a Lindner album, good quality.
90.00 |
326 |
**,Airplanes and balloons. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according owner) 795,00
70.00 R |
327 |
**,Fauna. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 1.285,00.
110.00 R |
328 |
**,Paintings. A lot of thematic issues on cards, Mi. (according to owner) € 2.170,00.
150.00 R |
329 |
**,Ship, various. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 590,00.
50.00 R |
330 |
**,Soviet Union. Smaller accumulation of MNH stamps in two albums, mostly collected twice, Michel (according to owner) € 950,00.
70.00 R |
331 |
**,Summer Olympics. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 500,00.
90.00 R |
332 |
**,Europe Cept and Parallel Issues. A lot of MNH isseus on cards, Mi. € (according to owner) 1.080,00.
40.00 R |
333 |
**,Winter Olympics. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 525,00.
40.00 R |
334 |
**,Christmas, Religion A lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. € 630,00 cca, according to attached list.
50.00 R |
335 |
**,Reptiles. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. (according to owner) € 526,00.
46.00 R |
336 |
**,Forest Animals A lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. € 550,00 cca, according to attached list.
50.00 R |
337 |
**,Butterflies. A lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. € 560,00 cca, according to attached list.
50.00 R |
338 |
**,Insects. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. (according to owner) € 440,00.
40.00 R |
339 |
**,Hungary. Smaller accumulation of MNH stamps in two albums, mostly collected twice, Michel (according to owner) € 720,00.
40.00 R |
340 |
**,Space. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 890,00.
80.00 R |
341 |
**,Dogs. A lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. € 730,00 cca, according to attached list.
70.00 R |
342 |
**,Bl. 33,Soviet Union. Tokio Olympics, 1964, S/Sheet printed in green, MNH, good quality, only 35.000 S/Sheets printed !
80.00 R100.00 |
343 |
**,Cats. A lot of thematic issues on cards, Mi. (according to owner) € 670,00.
60.00 R |
344 |
**,Animals of Africa. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards, Mi. (according to owner) € 2.670,00.
200.00 R |
345 |
**,Romania. Smaller accumulation of MNH stamps in two albums, mostly collected twice, Michel (according to owner) € 1.100,00.
50.00 R |
346 |
**,Music. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (accordingto owner) 493,00.
40.00 R |
347 |
**,Soccer. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 947,00.
80.00 R |
348 |
**,Liechtenstein. Collection/accumulation of MNH stamps in an album, mostly collected in blocks of four (till 1998), some miniature sheets. Michel (according to owner) € 2.950,00.
130.00 R |
349 |
**,Europe CEPT. MNH collection on Leuchtturm pages in an album, 1979/83 complete, 1984 with few issues only. Additionally some paralel issues, Michel (according to owner) € 1.000,00.
50.00 R |
350 |
**,Automobiles. Thematic lot of MNH issues on cards. Mi. € (according to owner) 500,00.
40.00 R |
351 |
**,Monaco. MNH accumulation in an album, many duplicates, also a few FDC, Michel (according to owner) € 720,00.
100.00 R |
352 |
**,Norway. Smaller accumulation of MNH stamps in an album, mostly collected twice, Michel (according to owner) € 1.400,00.
100.00 R |
353 |
,Former Yugoslavia. Countries after 1991 (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia). Box with partial collections, duplicates, booklets. MNH and cancelled stamps, some FDC, mixed quality, inspection recommended.
100.00 R200.00 |
354 |
**,Africa (Mocambique, S. Tomo, Togolasie, Guinee). Lot of MNH stamps and S/Sheets in an album, Mi. € 760,00.
80.00 R |
355 |
**,Africa. Lot of MNH issues 2018, 21 miniature sheets and S/Sheets.
100.00 R |
356 |
,Austria. Smaller lot in an album and a few items of postal history, cancellations, local issues, inspection recommended.
50.00 R |
357 |
** / * / ○,Hungary. Carton box containing mixed collection, unused/used, some periods quite complete. Partly poorly presented in six stamp and two cover albums. Mixed quality, inspection recommended.
200.00 R |
358 |
** / * / ○,Cartoon box, legacy of a collector. Eighteen albums of different sizes, mostly Europe but some overseas. Includes some unused sets, however mainly common used stamps, inspection recommended.
100.00 R140.00 |
359 |
** / * / ○,Various Yugoslav areas: Serbia (old and occupation), NDH (also some covers), Chainbreakers, Fiume, in two albums and on one album page, very mixed quality, inspection recommended.
60.00 R75.00 |
360 |
** / * / ○,Carton box, legacy of a collector. Nineteen albums and some folders of different sizes, almost only Europe. Few partial collections (complete periods) and many duplicates, used, also common stamps, inspection recommended.
70.00 R |
361 |
,Europe. Large box of covers and modern picture postcards, over 1000 items, inspection recommended.
30.00 R |
362 |
,Switzerland. Box with a collection of cancelled stamps in three KA-BE printed albums, some covers, FDC, inspection recommended.
40.00 R60.00 |
363 |
,Germany. Box of covers, mostly commemorative covers and FDC, several hundred items, inspection recommended.
40.00 R |
364 |
,Europa. Box of covers, mailed covers, FDC, stationery envelopes, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, etc. Several hundred items, inspection recommended.
40.00 R |
365 |
** / * / ○,Germany, Bund. Incomplete collection, mainly MNH, in two albums including some valid postage, inspection recommended.
70.00 R |
366 |
,Europe. Box of covers, cca 1000 items, OPD and mailed covers, inspection recommended.
40.00 R |
367 |
,UNO. Box of covers, FDC, mailed covers, probably considerably over 1000 items, inspection recommended.
40.00 R |
368 |
,Germany. Over 500 MC in a box, inspection recommended.
50.00 R |
369 |
,Three Lindner albums for album pages, empty.
30.00 R |
370 |
,Triest A. Lot of nine, mostly unused stationeries.
40.00 R |
Picture postcards, Slovenia | |||||
371 |
O/B,Škofja Loka, colour litho, three motifs, mailed 1898.
34.00 R |
372 |
O/D,Begunje (Gorenjska), colour litho, three motifs, mailed 1899.
50.00 R |
373 |
O/D,St. Peter na Krasu (Pivka), three motifs, including Railway station, mailed 1899.
20.00 R |
374 |
O/B,Št. Jurij near Tabor, litho in brown, mailed in 1900, right upper corner creased.
30.00 R |
375 |
X/B,Uniše - Slom, birth house of Anton Martin Slomšek, unused.
30.00 R |
376 |
O/A,Lucia (near Portorož), general view with street, mailed 1900.
20.00 R |
377 |
O/B,Dolenjske Toplice, three motifs, mailed 1901.
20.00 R |
378 |
O/D,"Ilirija oživljena", propaganda picture postcard, mailed 1902.
60.00 R |
379 |
O/A,Šmerješke toplice, three motifs, mailed 1902.
30.00 R |
380 |
O/D,Velike Lašče, general view and Levstik monument, mailed in 1902.
22.00 R |
381 |
O/C,Zavratec (Idrija), church, mailed 1903, Jerkič, slightly creased.
24.00 R |
382 |
O/B,Celje Sokol at Sokol meeting in Ljubljana, 1904, mailed.
40.00 R |
383 |
O/D,Koper, Muda - Da Ponte square, mailed 1904.
24.00 R |
384 |
O/B,Vitovlje, two motifs, sent 1904 from post office Šempas to Kanal.
24.00 R32.00 |
385 |
,Unec, two motifs, two picture postcards, German and Slovene (heavily damaged, not calculated) version, mailed 1905.
30.00 R |
386 |
O/B,Škocjan, three motifs, mailed in 1907, auxiliary post office cancellation "*ST.KANZIAN/ŠKOCJAN (DIVAČA)*".
20.00 R25.00 |
387 |
O/A,Ricmanje, engagement, mailed 1908, Railway TPO "HERPELJE - TRIEST, 213, 04/10, 08.
50.00 R60.00 |
388 |
O/A,Postojna, entrance to Postojna cave, mailed 1908.
10.00 R |
389 |
O/A,Gaspari, "Obmejnim bratom v pomoč", mailed 1909.
80.00 R170.00 |
390 |
O/C,Velike Lašče, general view and railway station, mailed, stamp removed, at back poorly legible arrival auxiliary post office cancellattion of "BRŠLJIN".
20.00 R |
391 |
O/B,Videm Dobrepolje, three motifs, including Railway station, shop…, minimally scratched.
20.00 R40.00 |
392 |
O/B,Skaručna, general view, mailed, strike of auxiliary post office cancellation "*SKARUTSCHNA / SKARUČINA*".
30.00 R |
393 |
X/A,Pragersko, brick factory, unused.
10.00 R |
394 |
O/A,Šoštanj, two motifs, including "German house" hotel, mailed 1912.
24.00 R |
395 |
X/B,Grosuplje, three motifs, including shop and Inn L. Hude, unused.
20.00 R |
396 |
O/B,Crngrob, church, two motifs, mailed 1912.
20.00 R |
397 |
O/B,Ribnica, main street, mailed 1913, stamp removed.
14.00 R22.00 |
398 |
O/B,Retnje, Inn "Pri Jaku", mailed 1914, Railway TPO cancellation " Krainburg - Neumarktl, 2553, 17.VIII 14", alongside auxiliary post office "*RETNJE"* .
30.00 R |
399 |
O/B,Šanjel, two motifs, mailed in 1914, minimally creased.
18.00 R48.00 |
400 |
O/A,Trebnje, main street, mailed 1915.
20.00 R |
401 |
O/C,Gaspari, "War in Images", Nr. 65, "Soči", mailed, stamp removed.
20.00 R28.00 |
402 |
O/B,Tomaj, general view, mailed 1915.
18.00 R |
403 |
O/B,Prvačina, general view, few brown stains, mailed 1915.
12.00 R22.00 |
404 |
O/B,Photo picture postard of the Yugoslav Commitee in London. Beside Dr. Niko Zupanič (the writer of the postcard in May, 1916) Ante Trumić is in the picture (President of the Commite and the the addresee of the postcard), also Mihajlo Pupin, Ivan Meštrović and others. Among other matters it is to the credit of Dr. Zupanič that Mihajlo Pupin intervened with his personal friend American President Wilson regarding future borders and Bled and TNP remained within the Kingdom of the S.H.S.
75.00 R |
405 |
O/A,Izola, "Porto Apollo", mailed 1916.
16.00 R |
406 |
O/B,Golnik, mosaic of three motifs including shop and inn Mali, mailed.
28.00 R |
407 |
O/B,Kobarid, litho in green, four motifs, mailed 1918, stamp removed.
24.00 R |
408 |
O/B,Sv. Bolfenk (Kog), three motifs with Post office, school, mailed 1921.
24.00 R |
409 |
O/A,Veržej, four motifs, mailed 1921.
18.00 R |
410 |
O/A,Moravče, three motifs, sent from post office Sv. Križ pri Litiji, 1922.
24.00 R |
411 |
X/A,Tolmin, fascist meeting, photo picture postcard, unused.
20.00 R |
412 |
O/A,Izola, port, mailed.
16.00 R |
413 |
X/B,Divača, Rudolf Cave, colour litho, unused.
24.00 R |
414 |
X/A,Cerkno, general view, Jerkič, unused.
24.00 R |
415 |
,Hinko Smrekar, lot of five picture postcards, one mailed, others unused.
50.00 R |
416 |
O/B,Šmarje Sap, two motifs and portrait of the publisher, A. Škerjanc, mailed, stamp removed.
40.00 R |
417 |
X/B,Šmarje near Ajdovščina, mosaic of three motifs, unused.
34.00 R |
418 |
X/A,Bogojina, old church (before Plečnik united it with the new one), unused
30.00 R36.00 |
419 |
O/A,Visoko, greetings from Dr. Tavčar family, three motifs, mailed ca. 1910.
30.00 R |
420 |
O/A,Podgrad, general view, mailed ca. 1910.
22.00 R |
421 |
X/B,Vrhnika, Retovje, Ljubljanica spring, unused.
20.00 R |
422 |
X/A,Štorje, two motifs, unused.
18.00 R |
423 |
X/A,Idria - Zagod, unused.
18.00 R |
424 |
X/A,Piran, blue Venetian house, advertising board Cattai, unused.
16.00 R |
425 |
O/B,Bovec, church, mailed.
16.00 R |
426 |
O/C,Šmihel pri Sv. Petru (Pivki), general view, mailed, stamp removed, brown stains. At back poorly legible strike of "ŠMIHEL NA KRNJ." auxiliary post office cancellation.
14.00 R26.00 |
427 |
X/A,Širje, general view, unused.
14.00 R |
428 |
X/A,Šmarjeta near Rimske Toplice, general view, unused.
10.00 R |
429 |
X/A,Sveta gora near Gorica, before war, unused, ca 1915.
24.00 R |
430 |
X/A,Bled, booklet with 8 picture postcards.
20.00 R24.00 |
431 |
X/A,Vrh (San Michele del Carso), inn, bilingual inscription on inn name board, unused.
10.00 R |
Picture postcards, various | |||||
432 |
,Teplitz and surroundings (Czech Republic). Lot of ten picture postcards including Litho. Somewhat mixed quality (some stamps removed).
20.00 R |
433 |
O/A,Podrožca, building of Karavanke tunnel, mailed 1901.
34.00 R |
434 |
O/D,Bela Peč, inn Stückl, mailed 1901, Railway TPO "F. P. A. No. 48, 5/8, 01".
18.00 R |
435 |
O/B,Bazovica, inn "Pri Lipi", mailed 1910, few brown spots.
34.00 R |
436 |
O/B,Bazovica, general view, mailed 1910.
16.00 R |
437 |
O/C,Nabreživa, viaduct, mailed 1915, slight tear at right.
14.00 R |
438 |
X/B,Opicina, street motif with tramway, unused.
18.00 R |
439 |
X/A,Triest, lighthouse, unused.
10.00 R |
440 |
X/B,Map of Kingdom of Yugoslavia, divided into 'Banates', unused, brown stains at back.
12.00 R |